Event log

The event log stores information about each non-deterministic event that affects the execution of the program. These events include:

  1. System calls.

  2. Reads from shared memory.

  3. Asynchronous signal delivery.

  4. Thread switches and thread interactions.

  5. Non-deterministic machine instructions.

Event log rotation

In the default (circular) mode, the Undo Engine discards events from the beginning of the event log in order to make space for new events. This means that the program can continue to run without allocating extra space for the event log.


When an event is discarded from the event log, the execution history prior to the event can no longer be replayed.


When UDB is loading a recording, this setting is ignored and the complete event log is loaded.

Configuring event log size

Memory is allocated dynamically for the event log as required, and by default is limited to 1GB on x64 and 256MB on other platforms. To query the event log size, use the info event-log-size command. The maximum size can be configured when starting UDB, either using the --max-event-log-size command-line option, for example:

$ udb --max-event-log-size 2G

or using the UNDO_event_log_max environment variable:

$ UNDO_event_log_max=2G udb

In either case specify the maximum size as a number followed by an optional multiplier (K for kilobytes, M for megabytes, or G for gigabytes), or as 0 to choose a suitable size.


It’s recommended to set the event log size to a value that is substantially smaller than the available system memory, otherwise UDB risks being killed by the Linux out-of-memory (OOM) killer.


When UDB is loading a recording, this setting is ignored and the complete event log is loaded.

info event-log-size

Report the current size of the event log.

For example:

recording 11,469> info event-log-size
The event log size is 67108864 bytes (64.00M).

set max-event-log-size size[K|M|G]

Set the maximum size to which the event log may grow.

For example:

recording 11,469> set max-event-log-size 1
Maximum event log size rounded up to 67108864 bytes (64.00M).
recording 11,469> set max-event-log-size 512M
Maximum event log size set to 536870912 bytes (512.00M).
recording 11,469> set max-event-log-size 1G
Maximum event log size set to 1073741824 bytes (1.00G).

show max-event-log-size

The maximum size of the event log.

For example:

recording 11,469> show max-event-log-size
Maximum event log size is 1073741824 bytes (1.00G).

Using a straight event log

If you prefer the event log not be rotated, you can switch to the “straight” event log mode. In this mode, when the event log is full, UDB stops the program and emits this message:

ERROR: The Undo Engine's event log is full, so no more history can be recorded.
You may still use UDB commands to go backwards, or alternatively:  Use "set
max-event-log-size <size>[K|M|G]" to increase the event log size, or use "set
event-log-mode circular" to use a circular event log.  The current event log
size is 67108864 bytes (64.00M).

At this point you can increase the maximum event log size using the set max-event-log-size, or switch to a circular event log using the set event-log-mode command.

Configure the event log when starting UDB, either using the --event-log-mode command-line option, for example:

$ udb --event-log-mode straight

or using the UNDO_event_log_mode environment variable:

$ UNDO_event_log_mode=straight udb

set event-log-mode circular|straight

Set the event log mode.

For example:

recording 11,469> set event-log-mode straight

The default (circular) event log mode can be restored using:

recording 11,469> set event-log-mode circular

show event-log-mode

The event log mode (circular or straight).

For example:

recording 11,469> show event-log-mode
The event log mode is circular.

Event navigation

Query the event log using the info events command, and jump to the time of the next or previous event using the ugo event command.

Event condition

All the event navigation commands optionally take a condition, which is a Python expression. it is evaluated for each event considered by the command. If condition tests true, the event is included by the command; if it tests false, the event is excluded. The expression can use the following variables:

  • address: The base address of a shared memory update, for SHMEM_FIXUP events, or 0 for other events.

  • bbcount: The bbcount.

  • name: The event type or system call name.

  • pc: The program counter.

  • result: The value returned by the system call, or 0 for other events.

  • signum: The signal number, for SIGNAL, SIG_TOCHILD and STATUS_TODEBUGGER events, or 0 for other events.

  • size: The size of the event in bytes.

  • syscall: The system call number, or None for other events.

  • tid: The thread id of the thread switched to, for NEWTHREAD and THREADSWITCH events, or 0 for other events.

  • timestamp: The time stamp counter read by the RDTSC instruction, for RDTSC events, or 0 for other events. Note that this is a monotonically increasing count of clock cycles since the processor was reset, not a wall-clock time or a time in execution history.

For example, to list the openat() system calls among the first 100 events:

recording 228,443> info events -l 100 name == 'openat'
time=5,502:0xffffffffffffffff: openat. result=0x3 size=80.
time=5,604:0xffffffffffffffff: openat. result=0x3 size=80.
time=5,881:0xffffffffffffffff: openat. result=0x3 size=80.

info events [options] [condition]

Show events.

-limit N, -l N

Consider at most N events.


Only show events at BBCOUNT/BOOKMARK or later. A BBCOUNT may contain commas.

The string now can be used to specify the current bbcount.

If BBCOUNT starts with + or -, it is relative to the current bbcount.


Only show events before BBCOUNT/BOOKMARK. See the -min option.

-quiet, -q

Don’t print progress information during the search for events.

See Event condition for the condition argument.

For example, to list all the read() system call events:

recording 228,443> info events name == 'read'
time=5,606:0xffffffffffffffff: read. result=0x340 size=928.
time=5,883:0xffffffffffffffff: read. result=0x340 size=928.

To show the event at the current bbcount, if any:

2% 5,606> info events -a now -b +1
time=5,606:0xffffffffffffffff: read. result=0x340 size=928.

To show five events at or after the current bbcount:

2% 5,606> info events -a now -l 5
time=5,606:0xffffffffffffffff: read. result=0x340 size=928.
time=5,614:0xffffffffffffffff: newfstatat. result=0x0 size=240.
time=5,664:0xffffffffffffffff: mmap. result=0x7ffff7ecc000 size=145.
time=5,667:0xffffffffffffffff: mmap. result=0x7ffff7edc000 size=145.
time=5,670:0xffffffffffffffff: mmap. result=0x7ffff7f4f000 size=145.

ugo event next|prev [condition]

Jump to the next or previous event.

With a condition, jump to the next or previous event matching the condition. See Event condition for details.

For example, to jump to the next write() system call event:

2% 5,606> ugo event next name == 'write'

To jump to the previous read() system call event:

5% 11,876> ugo event prev name == 'read'

If the ugo event command succeeds, the program is stopped at the instruction just before the event, so that the stepit 0 command will replay the event.


In a multi-threaded program, the instruction just before the event might be in another thread. This case can be surprising because the backtrace does not show the expected function call, but the stepit 0 command can be used to step over the thread switches and replay the event.